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Air Filters

According to the EPA, indoor air is, on average, seven times more polluted than outdoor air. Over 95% of the particles in the air are smaller than 1 micron (1/25,000 of an inch). There are 20 million particles in the average cubic foot of indoor air.

Color A suggestion by Service Specialties: Protect the quality air you and your loved ones breath. Simply replace your standard furnace air filter with a high tech Dynamic Air Cleaner.

This is not a furnace filter, it is an electronic air cleaning device that imparts an electrical charge into a patented filtration media inside the unit. It is powered by the 24V power supply nearby or can be used with a standard electrical plug. It will remove sub-micron particles including fine dust, smoke, mold, pollen, bacteria and odors.

Dynamic Air Cleaners use an active electrostatic field to magnetize both airborne particles and the fibers of the air purifier's disposable filter pads. This process causes particles to stick to the filter fibers just like paper clips are attracted to a magnet. The more particles that stick to the filter, the more efficient the filter becomes.

The image on the left pictures a Dynamic Air Cleaner installed in the forced air furnace of a high rise condominium in downtown Chicago (space normally covered by a removable panel). This unusual furnace installation illustrates Dynamic air Cleaners are available in a wide variety of sizes and can be easily installed, replacing the standard filter in your furnace.

There are 19 standard sizes for 1" & 2" dynamic air cleaner panels: Special order custom sizes are avalible.

12" X 24"
14" X 20"
14" X 25"
14" X 30"
15" X 20"
16" X 16"
16" X 20"
16" X 21"
16" X 24"
16" X 25"
16" X 30"
18" X 18"
18" X 20"
18" X 24"
20" X 20"
20" X 24"
20" X 25"
20" X 30"
24" X 24"

For more information (ordering, payment, details, etc.): email us or call Jim Artress at (646) 325-4339 (quanity discounts avalable).